Monday, June 6, 2011

Gorditas at Home

For lunch, I had a gordita, with a glass of pineapple-coconut juice.

The gorditas are from TJ's frozen section. I heated mine in a cast-iron skillet, per package directions, to get a crispy exterior.

The result was on the slightly questionable side of passable. I guess if you're a fan of Doritos, you might enjoy them, as the effect of the skillet was to turn the outer layer into a massive corn chip. I, alas, am not. The filling- cheese, beans, and roasted chile- should've been tasty, but was not. There were only two bites in which I could distinguish some mild chile flavor, and the cheese seemed skimpy for how bad they are for you (very bad). As with the majority of TJ's prepared foods, this one's a definite pass. A similar result could be had for fewer calories and less cost by simply making a quesadilla with corn tortillas.

The juice, however, was very good. We bought TJ's not-from-concentrate pineapple juice to make popsicles with, and I had some extra coconut water in the fridge. I mixed them, 50/50, for a nice tropical drink. Relatedly (dear Blogger, why don't you recognize so many real words as words? Like "relatedly"?), they do also make great popsicles. Next time, due to consistency issues and general adoration for sweetened condensed milk, I'm going to try adding it in 1:3 to make even more awesome popsicles.

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